by Tom Atlee
'This book was written for all the people who want a better world than we have now. It is especially written for social change agents, community organizers, spiritually motivated activists, and the millions of people sociologist Paul Ray calls "cultural creatives" -- the co-creators of a new culture. If you happen to be someone who has left activism because it was too adversarial -- or if you feel called to be more active in response to the suffering, danger or tremendous possibilities you see in the world -- this book is for you, too. I wrote it as an invitation to everyone who is seeking to transform our human culture in conscious, collaborative, life-affirming ways."Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children." -- Sitting Bull
Its purpose is two-fold. First, I want to introduce you to the co-intelligence perspective -- a vision of what intelligence might look like if we deeply understood wholeness, interconnectedness and co-creativity. Next, and most importantly, I want to explore how we might use the perspective of co-intel-ligence to transform our troubled democracy into a living system capable of creating a world that works for all, by generating the collective wisdom we need to creatively address our twenty-first century problems, opportunities and dreams.'
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