The first Earth Day, spearheaded by Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson and Harvard University student Denis Hayes, involved 20 million participants in teach-ins that addressed then decades of environmental pollution. The event inspired the US Congress to pass clean air and water acts, and establish the Environmental Protection Agency to research and monitor environmental issues and enforce environmental laws.
Mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting the status of environmental issues onto the world stage, Earth Day in 1990 gave a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
Since then, Earth Day has grown into a global tradition, with annual celebrations by more than a billion people in 180 nations around the world.
Below is a video (featured here before) with Cosmologist Brian Swimme talking about the fundamental challenge of becoming something new, something more, perhaps something integral...
So celebrate being alive on this exquisite planet, on this day, and open yourself to the most serious responsibility to Love this planet, and to change ourselves, and to deepen and widen our awareness of the power and fragility of this world.
Learn More About Earth Day: Here
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