
December 23, 2008

Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a world renowned teacher, writer and public speaker on major philosophical and spiritual subjects. His subject matter included: the purpose of meditation, human relationships, the nature of the mind, and how to enact positive change in global society.

Krishnamurti constantly emphasized what he believed was the right place of thought in daily life. But he also pointed out the dangers of thought when it becomes knowledge that acts as a calcified projection of the past. According to Krishnamurti, such action distorts our perception and full understanding of the world we live in, and more specifically, the relationships that define it.

This 30 min documentary is from an original series of eight made for television in 1966. They were the earliest sound-films of Krishnamurti speaking to audiences.

Part One/

Part Two /

Krishnamurti taught that most problems in the world such as poverty, war, the nuclear threat, and other unfortunate circumstances, have their roots in nature of human though, knowledge and perception. In his view, as we live and behave according to our thinking so wars and governments are also a result of our thinking. We each have our own particular beliefs, conclusions, and experiences, to which we cling, thereby isolating ourselves from others. Self centered activity is expressed outwardly as nationalism and religious intolerance, creating a world divided, in which we are willing to kill for the sake of belief. Understanding our relationship with the world crisis is necessary to understand ourselves.

Along with the influence of our thinking on the world and the way society functions, there is also a reciprocal influence from society on our thinking. This mainly manifests itself as the process of our adapting to society. Independent thinking becomes almost impossible when one feels forced to adapt to society, but as such thinking is necessary for intelligence to operate, the resulting impasse creates a major paradox.

Learn More: Here and Here

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